Formpipe: “Cumulus BI has Helped us Create Greater Flexibility.”

– We have a better structure to our process than we had before,” says Joakim Alfredson, CFO of Formpipe.
Binovi has developed the Cumulus BI service that helps companies with budgeting, forecasting, reporting and monitoring. The service is entirely web-based and works as a complete solution that can be easily tailored to different business needs. For Formpipe, Binovi and Cumulus BI became an obvious solution that created great opportunities for the company.
– Cumulus BI has helped us create greater flexibility. It has facilitated the management of currency and made it easier for each unit to get an overall sense of the budget early in the process. Before, we had to collect everything, put it together and then distribute it to each business area. Now they can see their picture earlier. This saves time and work, especially for us centrally,” says Joakim Alfredson at Formpipe.
Increased responsibility within the business
Formpipe primarily uses Cumulus BI as a budgeting and forecasting tool. Today the company has 20 employees who use the service. Each manager has access to Cumulus BI and makes a budget for his own area of responsibility.
– Cumulus BI has reduced responsibility so that each manager feels more responsible for their part, says Joakim Alfredson at Formpipe.
Versatile functionality
Formpipe currently has operations spread across Europe and the United States. Joakim Alfredson says that Cumulus BI helps to keep the business in order, thanks to the service’s versatile functionalities.
– With Cumulus BI, we can accurately count our staff, which is our biggest cost. You can now clearly see when a new employee starts or if someone leaves. You keep it current and alive. Cumulus BI also helps us see very granularly around our revenue on our different products. You can constantly go back and look at how you thought and when things start to pay off.
”Super support for us in the future”
Formpipe has been a user of Cumulus BI for just over two years and plans to work more regularly with the service in the near future.
– Binovi is continuously developing the service and new features are added all the time, so we see it as a super support for us in the future,” concludes Joakim Alfredson.
What Our Customers Are Saying
CBI has made reporting much easier and we can now get figures out quickly and look at them from different perspectives. The budgeting and forecasting part have been the biggest boost.
We got a lot of support so it went smooth. They have helped to adapt the service to our needs and requirements. And they are very helpful at short notice. It can even be a completely new development that they solve on the same day.
Cumulus BI is more flexible than sending lots of Excel files back and forth and keeping track of who made what changes. Now it is easy for me to check what has been changed.